American Farmer is a breakthrough program strictly devoted to advancements in agriculture and green living. From seed technologies and agronomy to livestock health, machinery, and more, our award-winning producers travel the country covering the people, places, and issues impacting all corners of farm country.

Sustainable Solutions

Learn about the role that sustainable farming plays in creating a brighter, greener future for the growing global population.

Evolving Agriculture

Hear how technology is evolving with the industry to provide some of the most advanced solutions throughout agriculture today.

Field to Fork

Discover how innovations in machinery are helping farmers bring food to more tables and families everywhere.

Award-Winning Content

American Farmer

In the News

Learn about the latest breakthroughs taking place across the globe.

“As farmers, were tasked with feeding the growing world and that job is only getting more challenging each year. Farmers will have to produce 50% more produce with less than a 1% increase in labor to keep up with long term demand. We accept this challenge and are thankful to be able to bring this information to a wide audience, as we do our part to pave the way for a more sustainable future.”